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Saturday, May 9, 2015

Scrapkit features purple and yellow elements & papers. This tagger kit consist 50 elements, 12 papers and 6 frames.
Can be bough here:

Tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP
Any resemblance to any other tut is purely coincidental.
Please do not copy it in anyway, do not resize, edit it or claim it’s as your own.

PTU kit by Mellie beans – Violet Sunshine
Can be bought here:
Tube by Tedd Hammond
Font: Ajla
New image, 700x700

I started with the flower wreath
Paste in the middle and behind add paper 3
I did resize paper by 60 %
Select with magic wand inside the wrath and selections modify expand by 5
Select paper layer and selection invert delete

Now I I added the tube
behind her I added the fence and made it look like she is sitting on it
Behind elements are: berries,flower3 and stem rose
Duplicate them and mirror so the back looks full
In front I added bucket and beside that string
Elements  are big so I resized all by at least 60%
Behind that birdcage and on top bird
In front I put basket and heartstring
Use mask to your liking

Add name and copyrights
Hope you enjoyed and if you have questions don’t hesitate to ask.


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