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Monday, September 16, 2013

Tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP
Any resemblance to any other tut is purely coincidental.
Please do not copy it in anyway, do not resize it or claim it’s as your own.


PTU kit by Horseplay's Pasture Design called Autum Sunset
It can be bought here:
Template #334 By Millie Madness
PTU tube from Elie Milk at PFD
Anmation by Scrappy Bit of Fun
Font: Mutlu


New 650x650 image, white background
Open template, press arrow up and D to copy the template.
Close the original.
Select with magic wand layer 1  from template and go to selections/float
I choose paper hpd_AS_P5 for that background,paste it as new layer fo ro selections,
invert and delete
Do the same for rest of the background layers.
For the layer 2 I choose paper hpd_AS_P3
For the layers 5 and 6 I choose papaer hpd_AS_P7
For the layers 7 and 8 I choose #c73a41 color

Open your tube resize and postion in the middle.
Choose the select tool, select layer 10, float,defloat
Paste your tube again and postion so that face is visible over the layer 10
Go to selections invert and delate
Go to Blend mode and choose lighten

Do the same for the layer 9

Now on to elements!

Open hpd_AS_El68 element and resize by 80%, position to the left under the tube.
Open hpd_AS_El12 and resize by 80%,position behind the candle tube.
Open hpd_AS_El60 resize by 60% and position behind the last tube
I duplicated the corn and postioned one behind other.
I also put flowers hpd_AS_El9 behind it (resize by 60%)
Also in front of that i put the wheel hpd_AS_El49 which I resized by 60%
On top of the left side behind the layer 10 i put hpd_AS_El16, resize by 60%
In fornt of that,so its just a little visible is flower hpd_AS_El8m, duplicated twice

The right side now
First of all beghinf tube layer i put the wheel hpd_AS_El49  again
On top of that i put hpd_AS_El53, resize by 80%
Also orange flower hpd_AS_El7, duplicate and both resize by 60%
Postion to your liking.
Behind the all layer I put leafs hpd_AS_El55
I duplicated the layer and image/mirror
Also I added the mask.Choose the one to your liking.

Add the name
Add the copyright


I choose leaves animation (SimoneAni151-mng)
Open animation in your AS (animation shop) and select all
The animation has 34 layer
Go to psp and hide the tube layer
Go to edit/copy special/copy merged
Go to AS paste as new animation
Duplicate layer 34 times (shift+ctrl+L)
Edit select all
Go back to animation and copy
Come back to your tag and paste into selected frame
Postion the animation and click
Go to back to PSP make visible your tube layer and copy
Go back to AS and postion tube
Make sure your propagate button is on

Postion your tube and click
Save animastion as gif


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