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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP
Any resemblance to any other tut is purely coincidental.
Please do not copy it in anyway, do not resize it or claim it’s as your own.


 Beautiful tube called Sarah by Spazz
Can be bought here:

Template 470 from Milie's Psp Madness

Scrap Kit by Chichi Design called Fantasia FTU

Font:Snappy dna


Open template,duplicate and close the original.
I did all the layers and I used the different papers
Select with magic want box 1 layer and selection,float defloat
Paste paper 6 (Paper6_CD_Fantasia)
Selections invert,delete
Do this for all the layer and use the paper you like.
I used papers 6,4 and 5
I really is personal choice and colors you wanna use.

Open your tube and position,add shadow
Duplicate tube 2 time and position that faces are over layers we
just did in this case layer 5 and 6
Erase the excess and set blend mode to soft light
On second duplicate mirror the image and use soft light also

Now onto elements
We will start with elements that are just beside the tubes
On the left...I used elements Pillows1_CD_Fantasia and Bridge_CD_Fantasia
Place the bridge behind the pillows
On the right I used elements Candle_CD_Fantasia and Book_CD_Fantasia
Place the book,resized by 60% and behind it candle resized by 40%

Also behind the tube I placed Branch_CD_Fantasia
Resize by 90% and place close to the tube,just behind her
Duplicate and mirror
Also behind layers 5 and 6 place FlowerBasket_CD_Fantasia
Add shadow...duplicate so its visible on both sides
Also add element FlowerFrame_CD_Fantasia behind those two layers

At the end I added sparkle element Sparkles1_CD_Fantasia

Add name and copyright

Hope you enjoyed!If you have questions don't hesitate to ask!


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